Europe’s Balancing Act: Opportunities Amid Structural Challenges
How are Europe’s structural hurdles and strategic opportunities shaping markets?
Global equity investors face a pivotal question about where — not just how — to allocate capital. Emerging markets are uniquely positioned as a powerful tool for diversification and performance enhancement. With recent analysis signaling that the long underperformance of emerging markets may be nearing its end, the debate between active and passive strategies in these regions takes on renewed relevance. While passive strategies have dominated performance in many developed markets over the last 20 years, inefficiencies inherent to emerging markets create fertile ground where active management can add decisive value.
How are Europe’s structural hurdles and strategic opportunities shaping markets?
Financial markets soared in 2024 with stocks hitting multiple record highs. As we enter 2025, will we see a continuation of this trend?
Winter, with its frosty breath and warm hearths, is the season I cherish most for rekindling old friendships.